* NWO Vidi (800 KEur, PI): Detection and Attribution of 20th century Regional Sea-level change (DARSea)
* NIOZ/UU project (team member), led by Allert Bijleveld (NIOZ) and Maarten Kleinhans (UU)
* NWO NSO (team member), led by Femke Vossepoel (TU Delft)
* PROTECT (10 MEur, led by Gael Durand): SSC & WP7 lead & Daily Supervisor postdoc Victor Malagon Santos
* HiRISE (2.3 MEur, led by Bert Wouters & Stef Lhermitte, TU Delft): SSC & WP5 lead & Daily Supervisor postdoc Jeemijn Scheen * NPP Consortium DPC4 (2 MEur, led by Roderik van de Wal)
* NWO NSO on regional sea level change and satellite
observations (PI/Daily Supervisor) -> NIOZ/TUD PhD Carolina Camargo (2019-2022) * Tenure Track funded PhD position on high-resolution modelling (PI/Daily Supervisor) -> NIOZ/TUD PhD Tim Hermans (2018-2021)* ECR travel support for WCRP/IOC New York (July 2017)
* ECR travel support for CLIVAR Qingdao (October 2016)
* Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore (January 2016)
SIEF John Stocker Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 yrs funding, Declined, December
Professional functions
* NIOZ Management Team Member (2022-present)
* NAC programme committee (2018-present)
* EGU: Lead convener EGU24 (CL4.9); co-convener for EGU21, EGU2020.
* Chair of the NWO NAC programme committee (2024)
* SESYNC Pursuit, Human migration & Sea-level rise (March 2018-2020)
* Guest lecturer for RUG (2019, 2022, 2023, 2024)
* Guest lecturer for Van Hall University of Applied Sciences (2022)
* Guest lecturer for HZ University of Applied Sciences, cursus Delta Expert (2022, 2023, 2024)
* Guest lecturer for Climate Science, VU (2021, 2022, 2023)
* Guest lecturer for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, UU (2020)
* Guest lecturer for Introduction to Physical Oceanography, UU (2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)
* Lecturer at TU Delft Summer School on Sea Level Change (2017, 2022)
* Teaching assistant: Physics and Astronomy first year course: Introduction Atmosphere and Climate (2008, 2009)
* Teaching assistant: University college Utrecht third year course: Atmosphere and Climate (2008-2009)
MSc Students
* E. van Dam (Sept 2023-May 2024, A. Slangen, T. Gerkema)
* S. Tubbergen (Sept 2023-March 2024, J. Scheen, A. Slangen)
* B. Oerlemans (May-Aug 2023, J. Scheen, V. Malagon-Santos, A. Slangen)
* E. Schütt (April-June 2021, with C. Camargo and A. Slangen)
* A. van de Engel (Nov.2019-July 2020, with A. Slangen and T. Hermans)
* M. Charpentier (April-August 2018, with A. Slangen)
* C. Tsitsikas (Feb.2017-Feb.2018, with A. Slangen)
* I. Komis (Feb.2016-Dec.2016, with A. Slangen)
* K. Beers (Feb.2012-Sept.2012, with A. Slangen)
Get in touch if you'd like to do a Master thesis or internship with us!
* Co-Organiser of Girls Day at NIOZ Yerseke
* Member of PhD committee: Thomas Frederikse, TU Delft, 19 March 2018; Eliot Jager, Grenoble, 7 Dec 2023
* Reviewer for Climate Dynamics, Climatic Change, Geophysical Research Letters, Global and Planetary Change, International Journal of Climatology, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, Journal of Glaciology, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, NSF, Ocean Sciences, PNAS, Scientific Reports, Surveys in Geophysics.
* Member of the NIOZ colloquium committee (2017-2022)
* Co-lead and co-founder of the CSIRO Hobart Postdoc Forum (2013-2016). Organised workshops for postdocs (writing, presenting, supervising, media & communications) and acquired funding to sponsor workshops and conference visits.
* Scientific staff member at NEEM, Greenland (June 2010). Primarily performed ECM-measurements on the NEEM ice core, and also various other tasks in the science and drill trench.